Walk In The Footsteps Of Bethlehem’s Single Sisters, Moravian University website
500 Mile walk Celebrates 250 Years of Women’s Education, WFMZ news, Allentown, PA

500 Mile Trek Passes Through Reading, Reading Eagle
A 500 mile trek from Bethlehem to North Carolina passes through Reading, Pennsylvania News Today
Hundreds of Women Join in the 500 Mile Trek from Bethlehem to NC to Promote Women’s Education, WLVR Lehigh Valley PA NPR station
Salem Academy and College Alumni Repeating Historic 450 Mile Journey Stop At Lititz, Lancaster (PA) Online
“The Journey to Salem” Expected to Travel Through Leesburg, Town of Leesburg
500 Mile ‘Journey to Salem’ Crusaders Cross Loudoun, Loudon Now
Salem alumni make 250th anniversary trek from Pennsylvania to North Carolina through Orange, The Daily Progress
Salem Academy and College to Recreate Historic 500-Mile Journey from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania to North Carolina, Yes! Weekly
North Carolina Women Hope to Empower Other Women During 500-mile Walk to Salem, WXII News
Women on 500-mile journey to celebrate women’s education, The Farmville Herald
Re-creating history: Women trace 500-mile journey taken by revolutionary women of the 1700s, WRAL (Raleigh)
In their footsteps: Salem alumnae walk from Bethlehem to Bethabara to mark 250th anniversary of Salem Academy and College, Winston-Salem Journal
Group celebrates 250 years of Salem Academy and College with 29-day walk, Fox 8 News
The WSSU Red Sea of Sound on the last leg of the ‘Journey to Salem’, Winston-Salem Journal
Salem Academy and College conclude 500-mile Journey to Salem at Salem Square (photos), Winston-Salem Journal
Salem Academy and College alumnae retrace 500-mile journey of Moravian founders, WFDD
Salem Academy and College Recreates Historic Journey from Bethlehem, PA to Winston-Salem, City of Winston-Salem YouTube Channel