Day 2 of Journey to Salem!! Our Day 2 walkers started our day with an incredible send off from the Day 1 Salem community walkers. As you can see from the photos, but can’t possible feel, it was profoundly powerful and emotional to say goodbye. Thanks can’t come close to describing our gratitude for your love and wishes! And then the day’s journey began! The fields of corn and soybeans were impressive and pastoral, the small town main streets bucolic, the food adventures SO fun (think homemade ice cream and Philly cheesesteaks!), the company and discussions incomparable. And we ended the day with a DELICIOUS dinner at the home of Lynn Sakmann (A’75) co-hosted by Dail Richie (C’72) both Salem alums! THANKS SO MUCH!! A wonderful day was had by all! And not too much soreness!! As always, a huge thanks to everyone who is making this all work – the planners and those executing the plans!!
– Lucy Rose C’76
Day Two in the books! 18.5 miles between #AllentownPA and #ReadingPA Fantastic course with rolling country hills, soybean and feed-corn farms, #amishcountry and terrific greenway trail offered a much needed ice cold bath. All locals and drivers were so kind and respectful taking care not to run us over!Francie: Leg Two in the books! 19.5 miles. Today’s walk from Allentown to Reading PA included a great stop for lunch, then ice cream, too much fun!!
– Frances Cronlund C’98