Leg 3: Reading to Lititz
Number of people walking today: 9

Route Summary | Take time to stop at Ephrata Cloister, which was on the 1766 Journey. Route ends with Warwick – Ephrata Rail Trail, which has four rest stops. Stop by the Lititz Historical Foundation (last stop on the route before the hotel) where you can explore the Lititz Museum, housed in the 1793 Christian Schropp home, its garden, and the Johannes Mueller House from 1792. Van transport from hotel to beginning of walk. |
Starting Point | Doubletree by Hilton Reading 701 Penn St Reading PA 19601 (610) 375-8000 |
Starting Time | 7:15 am |
End Walking Time | 4:15 pm |
Ending Point | Lititz Springs Inn & Spa 14 E Main St Lititz PA 17543 (717) 626-2115 |
Walking Mileage | 20.3 miles |
Meals | Breakfast: Included for hotel guests; Dunkin across street Lunch: Numerous places as approaching Ephrata Dinner: Lititz Inn restaurant; or within 10 minute walk: Tomato Pie Cafe; Wilbur Lititz [new hotel in old chocolate factory] |
Restrooms | First rest stop is 6 miles from start. Use designated stops. Numerous non-designated stops as approaching Ephrata. |
Contact Info | Van Driver: 470-653-7880. Route Manager: 336-782-1704 |
Route map(s) | The Spa at Willow Pond to Lititz Springs Inn and Spa |
Route PDF | PDF: The Spa at Willow Pond to Lititz Springs Inn and Spa |
Special Navigation Instructions | |
Laundry Availability | No |
Special Event | Meet at 6 pm at the Brothers’ House, where members of the Lititz Moravian Church choir will sing two hymns, accompanied by the 1792 Tannenberg organ. |
Instructions for Driver | Map #1: MORNING: Drive walkers to Spa at Willow Pond Note: Walkers will use pedestrian only paths. After Ephrata Linear Park, use State Street, E. Orange, Pointview, Rothsville Road, and 772 to stay near walkers. Will provide map of trail. |
Driver Map(s) | DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Reading to The Spa at Willow Pond |
History Blog Post | Lititz |
Miscellaneous Information | Navigation: Each Google Map route will have a starting point and multiple stops. iPhone users: when you arrive at a stop, you must remove the PREVIOUS starting point, making your current stop the NEW starting point. Android users: As long as you “arrive” at each stop, it will automatically advance to the next one. Otherwise, you will have to remove a stop. EXCEPTION: Do NOT remove any stops when you are in a dead zone! This will cancel the map and you will not be able to relaunch it. Deadzone: in poor or no cell phone coverage, you will still be able to see the route since GPS continues to work. Just don’t exit the map or try to remove a stop or you will lose the route. Safety: Obey all traffic laws. Use crosswalks and sidewalks wherever possible. When sidewalks are not available, generally it is recommended to walk against traffic but there may be times where the shoulder is wider walking WITH traffic. Be careful approaching curves and hills as visibility will be limited! Walk with a buddy. |