Leg 28: Kernersville to Bethabara
Number of people walking today: 20
Route Summary | Route goes by W-S State University, downtown W-S, and Wake Forest before entering Historic Bethabara Park. Be sure to arrive at Historic Bethabara Park by 4 PM to attend a Moravian Lovefeast to welcome the walkers of 2021 and to commemorate our Sisters, who were greeted similarly by their new community in October 1766. Please note: Due to limited capacity in the Gemeinhaus, this service is exclusively for Leg 28 walkers. Masks will be required. Not open to the public. |
Starting Point | Hampton Inn Kernersville 150 Clayton Forest Drive Kernersville, NC 27284 (336) 497-0724 |
Starting Time | 7:00 am |
End Walking Time | 3:30 pm |
Ending Point | Gemeinhaus Historic Bethabara Park 2147 Bethabara Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 |
Walking Mileage | 17.7 |
Meals | Breakfast: included for overnight guests Lunch: Wendy’s 3007 Waughtown (mile 8) or Krankies in downtown W-S (mile 12ish) Dinner: plenty of downtown options (hotel restaurant, Thai Harmony, Xcaret, Sweet Potatoes, The Katherine, 6th and Vine, Foothills) |
Restrooms | Long stretches without any – use them when you see them. |
Contact Info | Van Driver: 470-653-7880. Route Manager: 336-782-1704 |
Route map(s) | Hampton Inn to Historic Bethabara Park |
Route Map PDF | PDF: Hampton Inn Kernersville to 1788 Gemeinhaus |
Special Navigation Instructions | After leaving downtown Winston, University Parkway sidewalk is on side WITH traffic but cross to other side at 27th St/Coliseum. |
Laundry Availability | No |
Instructions for Driver | AFTERNOON: Following the service at Bethabara (5 pm), take walkers staying overnight to the Hotel Indigo |
Driver Map(s) | |
History Blog Post | Salem |
Miscellaneous Information | Navigation: Each Google Map route will have a starting point and multiple stops. iPhone users: when you arrive at a stop, you must remove the PREVIOUS starting point, making your current stop the NEW starting point. Android users: As long as you “arrive” at each stop, it will automatically advance to the next one. Otherwise, you will have to remove a stop. EXCEPTION: Do NOT remove any stops when you are in a dead zone! This will cancel the map and you will not be able to relaunch it. Dead zone: in poor or no cell phone coverage, you will still be able to see the route since GPS continues to work. Just don’t exit the map or try to remove a stop or you will lose the route. Safety: Obey all traffic laws. Use crosswalks and sidewalks wherever possible. When sidewalks are not available, generally it is recommended to walk against traffic but there may be times where the shoulder is wider walking WITH traffic. Be careful approaching curves and hills as visibility will be limited! Walk with a buddy. |